Wednesday, March 10

Where in the World.....???

Are you looking for a job? One great resource is the Groups on LinkedIn. Many of them list jobs that don't make it to the main Job Board, and are usually industry or skill specific, i.e. "Online Marketing Experts" or "Executives and Managers."

However, I have a major peeve with the people posting these jobs. More than half of them do not mention a location in the headline. HELLO people! LinkedIn is an international forum with an overwhelming amount of information available to readers. That's the first thing I need to know.

If you're looking for a job, and see your perfect position, "International Director of Taking Naps," how disappointed are you going to be if you live in Arizona and the job is located in Abu Dabi and you can't relocate? Not to mention, you've just wasted your valuable time figuring this out, because not only is the location not listed in the headline, it's at the bottom of a lengthy job description, if it's mentioned at all. Job hunters do not need any additional grief these days - seriously!

This issue also shows that these deficient posts are put out by people who don't know their audience, or don't care. Yes, it's a buyers market these days when it comes to employment, but I'm going to pay much closer attention to someone who seems to have some knowledge of the job hunting process, and makes my life easier.

The same holds true of online marketing. If you don't understand your audience and the process prospective customers go through when they visit you online, (and make it as friendly as possible), are you worthy of their business? I don't think so. If you aren't doing an online mystery shop to make sure your process works, you're shooting yourself in the foot. What do you think?

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